Sunday, January 09, 2011


Bonus events for 2010....

How cute is this Sloth I saw on my trip to Costa Rica to visit Jen + Ryan?

My first Boba Tea while visiting Lu @ her new home in Portland.

Family Camp with my bro's fam :)

20 Year High School Reunion. I loved it!!

3rd Annual Holiday Gathering @ the Biltmore...this year, we were next to Tori Spelling.

When my Spain trip was cancelled due to "The Volcano," Happy Hour A to Z began!

DECEMBER - Trolley of Lights

AND NOW...the 2010 Events of the Month.....beginning with The Trolley of Lights in December.

Maybe this would only happen in Santa Barbara. You take 7 trolleys, load them with people and drive them all around town to look at Christmas Lights. So festive. And look at our fun group!

NOVEMBER - Turkish Road Trip

Two trips to Turkey in one year, you ask??? boyfriend lives there. Talk about long distance! In November we took a road trip along the Mediterranean - so beautiful and so fun!

OCTOBER - Disneyland's California Adventure

The thing about October this year was that it was too much fun. I need a nap just thinking about it. One of the fun activities was going to California Adventure @ Disneyland for Nicole's birthday.  Even more fun because the park was all dressed up for Halloween.

SEPTEMBER - Sound of Music Sing-a-Long

Sound of Music Sing-a-Long at the Hollywood Bowl. I was dressed as a "Girl in a White Dress with a Blue Satin Sash" - one of my "Favorite Things."

AUGUST - Paso Robles, CA

Paso Robles is about half way between Santa Barbara and my hometown San Jose.  The perfect meet-up point for my pal from high school, Tanisha and me.  Thanks for hosting us Rouan!  Paso is super cute for winetasting, weekending, etc. Lucky for us, they were having unseasonably mild weather.  Phew!

JULY - Horse Vaulting

When I saw that Horse Vaulting...gymnastics on horseback...was at our local fairgrounds, I thought Event of the Month. It combines my love of gymnastics with my friend, Christi's, love of horses. Boom - perfect EOM. We were the only spectators. But you should check it out because it's RAD!

JUNE - State Street Mile

We decided it would be fun to run a race with the students we mentor. I may not enjoy exercising, but I am a good sport. So, while many of my friends were training for marathons or half-marathons or even a marathon relay, I trained to run 1 mile. I made it.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

MAY - Roller Derby!

Santa Barbara's own - Mission City Brawlin' Betties.  Pretty fun.  I recommend checking out your local team!

APRIL - Wildflowers @ Figueroa Mountain

Did you know? Wildflowers disappear when it's cloudy. That's what we discovered on our Wildflower Hunt on Figueroa Mountain Road, which is famous for its beautiful Lupin. We did, however, find a few.

Nicole & her Mom Kim

MARCH - Cat Birthday Party

In March there was a One Year Old Birthday Party at my house....for my roommate's cat Violet. It was well attended (except not by Violet...turns out she's not a super big fan of crowds.) She raked in the loot - 15+ gifts. She's one popular cat.  I think it's the opposable thumbs.

Kitty cupcakes

Pin the Crown on Princess Violet

FEBRUARY - Going to the Turkey

I'd never seen a movie in another country. Lucky for me, a lot of movies are in English, even in Turkey - like "Valentine's Day" - English with Turkish subtitles. I enjoyed the Intermission & assigned seating...and the English. Good company too!

JANUARY - Burger Bus

Coworkers kicking off the New Year & keeping it local at the Burger Bus!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Christmas Then & Now

As many of you know, growing up, our family Christmas tradition involved dressing up as Santa & the Elves. This year, we decided to relive the good ole days. Here are pictures of the old and the new.  Above is neighbor Lydia, me, brother Carl & my Dad as Santa. Below are pictures from this year: my brother and his son, Noah, each took a turn playing Buddy the Elf.

Here's the old gang - all grown up and with our new elf. But Dad couldn't resist playing Santa once again. Posted by Picasa

DECEMBER - Contra Dancing

It's difficult to capture the novelty of this activity in words... or photos. You almost have to experience it for yourself. Picture square dancing with your Mom's piano teacher and your favorite Trekkie. Plus lots of floral skirts. You gotta check it out! 

Thanks to Joe, Cato, Karen & Craig for joining in the fun!
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