Sunday, January 03, 2010

Christmas Then & Now

As many of you know, growing up, our family Christmas tradition involved dressing up as Santa & the Elves. This year, we decided to relive the good ole days. Here are pictures of the old and the new.  Above is neighbor Lydia, me, brother Carl & my Dad as Santa. Below are pictures from this year: my brother and his son, Noah, each took a turn playing Buddy the Elf.

Here's the old gang - all grown up and with our new elf. But Dad couldn't resist playing Santa once again. Posted by Picasa

DECEMBER - Contra Dancing

It's difficult to capture the novelty of this activity in words... or photos. You almost have to experience it for yourself. Picture square dancing with your Mom's piano teacher and your favorite Trekkie. Plus lots of floral skirts. You gotta check it out! 

Thanks to Joe, Cato, Karen & Craig for joining in the fun!
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NOVEMBER - Building a Sandman

This was one of those family activities that sounded more fun in theory than it turned out to be. But who can complain about a beautiful day at the beach in November with the cute nephews?

Mr. Sandman
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OCTOBER - Julia Pfeiffer...& U2

Since October is my birthday month, naturally there should be (at least) 2 Events of the Month. Both have been on my list for quite a while. Camping @ gorgeous Julie Pfeiffer Burns...

And U2 @ the Rose Bowl. I figured everyone should see them in concert at least once! Posted by Picasa

SEPTEMBER - Laura's Birthday Cruise

Holly was brave enough to join the Rettinger family & friends for a cruise.  It was quite an adventure.

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Friday, January 01, 2010

AUGUST - Nicaragua!

So fun & so relaxing. And made new friends - Isabel & Danielle. Good idea, Caitlin!

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JULY - Comedy Show

Demetri is very funny
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JUNE - Glow Bocce

Glow in the Dark Bocce Ball - all the rage.
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MAY - A Very Special Kitten

My roommate, Nicole, adopted a kitten in May. But not just any kitten... Violet has opposable thumbs!
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APRIL - Kickball!

Not just for elementary school anymore.
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